Thursday, May 7, 2020

Macedonian IT Pro User Group Meeting (May 2020)

We finished our third virtual IT Pro user group meeting. With the help of Microsoft Teams, we managed to gather 30 people, in late afternoon session.

Host support provided by Vladimir MeloskiGorana Konevska-JankoskaVlatko Ivanosvki, and myself.

We had a guest speaker from Croatia - Nenad Trajkovski who did a session named "Typical pitfalls and traps in IT Project Management". Fantastic session, based on Nenad's life experience, combined with real life examples.

The session gathered fantastic response from the audience, as well as high marks. Looking forward on hosting our next endeavor in June.

Macedonian ITPro User Group Meeting (February 2021)

For this months meeting, as planned with  with   Gorana ,  Vlatko  and  Vladimir ,  I did a session titled "Microsoft Azure Security Pr...